Lisa, you crack me up!!!!! I would have loved to be in on that laugh.
I'm glad Carrie is OK and the new baby.
The new baby pictures are so cute and Toby's little one is adorable.
Love, Missy
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Tonya had her baby.
Here are a couple of pics. She is a little cutie. She weighed 6 pounds and 7 ounces and her name is Layla Taniele (pronounced as in the Captain and...) Let's keep them in our prayers. I have invited Toby to join our little blog o' fun and as soon as he gets the dilleo, he should be bloggin some pictures of his family too. He has the cutest lil girl named Deborah. Hope I spelled that right. She is a true cutiepatootie. So I just posted two of the new baby and one of Deborah. Anywho...till next time. C-ya!
Monday, August 27, 2007
I am crying here!
Lisa, thanks so much for that laugh. Your story has me still sniffing and wiping my eyes! Now, don't stay away so long. This site needed some "Lisa" humor!
Got some catching up to do!
Hello Ladies!
It was good to see all at the quints dedication. I really enjoy being with family and catching up on good stories. Missy yours was a traumatic, but classic momma story. Anyhoo...ummm. Let's see...
Well August 16th, Carrie had to have a minor surgery to remove a kidney stone she had not been able to pass for over 6 months or more. The kidney specialist and her OB/GYN working together came up with the perfect window of opportunity to remove the stone without harming Carrie's little baby. There was literally a three day window for doing the surgery without causing any damage to the growing fetus. BUT Carrie was so sick with infection and vomiting the time frame was slipping away. Finally her fever dropped just low enough they could perform the operation and saved her kidney and no harm to little baby. She awoke from the anethesia without any complications and was completely pain free. She actually went home the evening after the surgery because whe was doing so well. The stone was caught right at the entry to the bladder causing massive blockage. Her kidney was being destroyed by a stone as big as a pea. NO JOKE. I was amazed at the size. It was never gonna make it into the bladder. But anyway she is fine now. Totally pain free and doing wonderful. She hasn't gained her appetite back, but I am sure that will come along soon. Her pregnancy with Thomas, she had no cravings and no morning sickness. I had the morning sickness. She has the all day sickness. Can't cook meat, can't stand the smell of certain foods, and finds laundry soap smells overwhelming!!!
Stephen had returned to the United States from his trip to India. I got an email from him this very day saying he was home, but very sick from the 40 hour trip home. I am anxioux to hear all about the things he saw and learned. He is not joining the Hindu or Buddist religions, but is learning much about the spiritual being of the religion. He is hopefully in his last year of school. He is getting his masters in Film and Media. We will see where that goes.
Matt is working for Gemtron in Vincennes. He is on an assembly line of glass stove tops. He really likes his job. He is getting his life together and turning things around for himself. He was desperately trying to get into the armed forces to get away from here, but he could not pass the physical for the marines. His record keeps him out of the air force and army. And for some reason he is too tall to get into the navy. So he is going to stick it out at Gemtron for awhile and then try to head back to school.
Thomas is becoming a big boy. He is learing the potty routine and doing quite well. He talks a blue streak and then some. I absolutely love having grandkids. He is in the discovery stage and wants to see and do and learn all he can. I just love him to pieces.
As for myself, I am still searching for that perfect job. I have reached a point with my job now that I know, no matter how much I try or how much I do, I will never be able to make my boss be pleased with my performance. So I am looking when I get the chance. Other than my job, I am doing great. Now I will leave ya all with a little story....
Today at work we (staff and consumers) spent the afternoon cleaning the woodshop and organizing, tossing, restacking, sorting, sweeping, and lots more to make the woodshop look nice for our yearly inspection we must endure to receive some of our federal funding. Any way... I was working with two high school boys from our vocational program. We were sorting, stacking, sweeping, moving this and that and working very hard to clean our assigned area. In the process of doing this in the 90+ heat, my jeans and tshirt were soaked with sweat along with my undies. Somehow my shirt from bending over and stooping and sqauting had rode up my back. I had no idea because I was really zoned into what I was doing...This young man spoke these very words. "Umm, you need to pull you shirt down in the back. Umm, your underwear is showing. " So I arose from being bent over on my knees reaching under a stack of lumber to reach my ink pen that fell from my pocket to a standing position in an inquiring state of mind as to how he could possibly know my underwear was showing. I stood as quick as I could and reached ever so quickly behind my back to pull down the sweat drinched shirt that was bothering this young man. WELL...Not only was my shirt up, but so was my undies. The whole section that had ripped from the back and was acting as a decorative belt nearly around my waste. I had to just walk away from him and go laugh myself silly. I went into the office to show my co-worker who nearly peed her pants laughing at me. I did ask another staff lady if she would help me fix my undies, but she refused to go there!! Well thank goodness I keep an entire change of clothes at work for just such emergencies. I have no idea when the backside of my drawers decided to split from itself and make its fashion debut. But what I find much more amusing is I have no idea how long it was like that before he told me!!!
Love to all,
p.s. I wont stay away so long...
It was good to see all at the quints dedication. I really enjoy being with family and catching up on good stories. Missy yours was a traumatic, but classic momma story. Anyhoo...ummm. Let's see...
Well August 16th, Carrie had to have a minor surgery to remove a kidney stone she had not been able to pass for over 6 months or more. The kidney specialist and her OB/GYN working together came up with the perfect window of opportunity to remove the stone without harming Carrie's little baby. There was literally a three day window for doing the surgery without causing any damage to the growing fetus. BUT Carrie was so sick with infection and vomiting the time frame was slipping away. Finally her fever dropped just low enough they could perform the operation and saved her kidney and no harm to little baby. She awoke from the anethesia without any complications and was completely pain free. She actually went home the evening after the surgery because whe was doing so well. The stone was caught right at the entry to the bladder causing massive blockage. Her kidney was being destroyed by a stone as big as a pea. NO JOKE. I was amazed at the size. It was never gonna make it into the bladder. But anyway she is fine now. Totally pain free and doing wonderful. She hasn't gained her appetite back, but I am sure that will come along soon. Her pregnancy with Thomas, she had no cravings and no morning sickness. I had the morning sickness. She has the all day sickness. Can't cook meat, can't stand the smell of certain foods, and finds laundry soap smells overwhelming!!!
Stephen had returned to the United States from his trip to India. I got an email from him this very day saying he was home, but very sick from the 40 hour trip home. I am anxioux to hear all about the things he saw and learned. He is not joining the Hindu or Buddist religions, but is learning much about the spiritual being of the religion. He is hopefully in his last year of school. He is getting his masters in Film and Media. We will see where that goes.
Matt is working for Gemtron in Vincennes. He is on an assembly line of glass stove tops. He really likes his job. He is getting his life together and turning things around for himself. He was desperately trying to get into the armed forces to get away from here, but he could not pass the physical for the marines. His record keeps him out of the air force and army. And for some reason he is too tall to get into the navy. So he is going to stick it out at Gemtron for awhile and then try to head back to school.
Thomas is becoming a big boy. He is learing the potty routine and doing quite well. He talks a blue streak and then some. I absolutely love having grandkids. He is in the discovery stage and wants to see and do and learn all he can. I just love him to pieces.
As for myself, I am still searching for that perfect job. I have reached a point with my job now that I know, no matter how much I try or how much I do, I will never be able to make my boss be pleased with my performance. So I am looking when I get the chance. Other than my job, I am doing great. Now I will leave ya all with a little story....
Today at work we (staff and consumers) spent the afternoon cleaning the woodshop and organizing, tossing, restacking, sorting, sweeping, and lots more to make the woodshop look nice for our yearly inspection we must endure to receive some of our federal funding. Any way... I was working with two high school boys from our vocational program. We were sorting, stacking, sweeping, moving this and that and working very hard to clean our assigned area. In the process of doing this in the 90+ heat, my jeans and tshirt were soaked with sweat along with my undies. Somehow my shirt from bending over and stooping and sqauting had rode up my back. I had no idea because I was really zoned into what I was doing...This young man spoke these very words. "Umm, you need to pull you shirt down in the back. Umm, your underwear is showing. " So I arose from being bent over on my knees reaching under a stack of lumber to reach my ink pen that fell from my pocket to a standing position in an inquiring state of mind as to how he could possibly know my underwear was showing. I stood as quick as I could and reached ever so quickly behind my back to pull down the sweat drinched shirt that was bothering this young man. WELL...Not only was my shirt up, but so was my undies. The whole section that had ripped from the back and was acting as a decorative belt nearly around my waste. I had to just walk away from him and go laugh myself silly. I went into the office to show my co-worker who nearly peed her pants laughing at me. I did ask another staff lady if she would help me fix my undies, but she refused to go there!! Well thank goodness I keep an entire change of clothes at work for just such emergencies. I have no idea when the backside of my drawers decided to split from itself and make its fashion debut. But what I find much more amusing is I have no idea how long it was like that before he told me!!!
Love to all,
p.s. I wont stay away so long...
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Free Online Fitness Training, Anyone?
Okay kids! There is a reason I have been scarce lately. I have been very busy with research and stuff for a project I am about ready to launch.
The above question is a very serious one. I am about to embark on an online personal training journey. I am starting an online personal fitness membership website. I figured I would start out with an exclusive family clientele. Alright alright, you guys will be my guinea pigs! I didn't want to say it but, there it is. As you guys know, I have been training professionally off and on since 1994. However, I have never done it online. I have always done it in person on a one-on-one basis and am very experienced in that arena. But this will be very different for me and I sort of want to get comfortable with it and get all the bugs out, so to speak, with family before I "open" to the public.
Any volunteers? It will be completely free for at least the first month. I will prescribe your workouts complete with video demonstrations of each exercise. I will do a nutrition plan for you if you wish complete with grocery shopping list. There will be either a monthly email or magazine you can view exclusive to members. It is going to be so totally cool. There will be a bunch more great amenities that I will explain to interested souls.
I am in the process of deciding a few last minute things and getting set up, but I want to be sure that I have interested bodies. The cost to regular clients will be anywhere from 20 to 75 dollars monthly, according to what all they sign up for; my in-person clients pay 250 to 350 for monthly packages, give or take a buck or two. So you see how this will make affordable training for people who otherwise cannot afford it. But for YOU, my peeps, it will be totally free for at least the first month or two or three. I haven't decided yet when you will have to pay, but when you do, it will remain a family discount nowhere close to what Joe Public will pay. And your discount will be for the life of your membership. But like I said, the first month is completely free for sure. I will figure out the details and we can talk about it further. Anyone who is interested please email me. And don't worry, I will have a workout you can do from home if you do not want to or can't join a gym.
Wouldn't it be nice to drop 10 or 20 pounds before the holidays? I can help you guys do it! I promise! I lost 25 since last year. And boy does it feel good to fit in anything I want to wear. Come on, join me!
Hope to hear from you soonly!
Love ya lots!
The above question is a very serious one. I am about to embark on an online personal training journey. I am starting an online personal fitness membership website. I figured I would start out with an exclusive family clientele. Alright alright, you guys will be my guinea pigs! I didn't want to say it but, there it is. As you guys know, I have been training professionally off and on since 1994. However, I have never done it online. I have always done it in person on a one-on-one basis and am very experienced in that arena. But this will be very different for me and I sort of want to get comfortable with it and get all the bugs out, so to speak, with family before I "open" to the public.
Any volunteers? It will be completely free for at least the first month. I will prescribe your workouts complete with video demonstrations of each exercise. I will do a nutrition plan for you if you wish complete with grocery shopping list. There will be either a monthly email or magazine you can view exclusive to members. It is going to be so totally cool. There will be a bunch more great amenities that I will explain to interested souls.
I am in the process of deciding a few last minute things and getting set up, but I want to be sure that I have interested bodies. The cost to regular clients will be anywhere from 20 to 75 dollars monthly, according to what all they sign up for; my in-person clients pay 250 to 350 for monthly packages, give or take a buck or two. So you see how this will make affordable training for people who otherwise cannot afford it. But for YOU, my peeps, it will be totally free for at least the first month or two or three. I haven't decided yet when you will have to pay, but when you do, it will remain a family discount nowhere close to what Joe Public will pay. And your discount will be for the life of your membership. But like I said, the first month is completely free for sure. I will figure out the details and we can talk about it further. Anyone who is interested please email me. And don't worry, I will have a workout you can do from home if you do not want to or can't join a gym.
Wouldn't it be nice to drop 10 or 20 pounds before the holidays? I can help you guys do it! I promise! I lost 25 since last year. And boy does it feel good to fit in anything I want to wear. Come on, join me!
Hope to hear from you soonly!
Love ya lots!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
slept right through it
I hear everything............I sleep light as a feather..........I didn't get to bed until midnight and acording to my neighbor at 2am the tree broke in half during the storm and our other neighbor came down and made a drive through clearing of the road using a chain saw. I didn't hear a thing. Wow. Anyways I have to get outside. Shawn worked all night, got home at 7:30am and is out trying to take the stupid tree down. He told me to get my work cloths on. As you can tell I'm real excited about getting out there and helping. By the way I don't know if you can tell in the picture but we no longer have a mail box. ta,ta for now.
last days of freedom
Saturday, August 18, 2007
1st Day of Kindergarten
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Thanks Family
Thanks to all of our family who came today. It means so much to be together with family but even more when it's in church. I wish you all lived closer so we could share every sunday. Everything went great. I'm so proud of our pastor. I love him, and enjoy spending time with him and Becky. He did such a great job today.
I love you all. Sorry I didn't get to talk to everyone. Thanks again for being there.
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