Thanksgiving came and went in the blink of an eye, as usual. I can't believe how fast the years fly between holidays, but to add insult to injury...the actual day seems to go by in a blur. Sad to think how when we were kids the day seemed to drag on forever and now it's more like the snap of a finger.
The only thing that seems to linger about Thanksgiving these days is the added pound or two or three from all the yummy food. Dadgum that was good today. Maybe it was just me, but today's food seemed to be the best it has been in years. I LOVED EVERY MORSEL! And true to my yearly tradition, I am going to bed with a very full belly and just a tad green, but feeling very blessed.
Anywho...I enjoyed the day and I would like to say Thanks to all of you guys (including blood relatives and joiners of all kinds) for the blessings each and every one of you provide for just being a member of this very special group of people I feel privileged to be able to call my family.
Last but not least, this is my favorite little video of the day. Enjoy. I love you guys!
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