Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I am bringing a double batch of Chili. Carrie is bringing lots of sandwiches. Are we supposed to bring drinks and what about table ware and stuff like that?? I can't wait to see everyone again and have fun like we did at Thanksgiving. Everyone have a super safe trip getting to the party!!! See ya'll there!!
I am bringing a double batch of Chili. Carrie is bringing lots of sandwiches. Are we supposed to bring drinks and what about table ware and stuff like that?? I can't wait to see everyone again and have fun like we did at Thanksgiving. Everyone have a super safe trip getting to the party!!! See ya'll there!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Christmas Party
Sandy and I are going to bring a meat and cheese tray with bread for the party! Just wanted you to know! Hope to see you soon!
I'm trying to hang in there for the next week before Christmas break!
Love, Missy
Sandy and I are going to bring a meat and cheese tray with bread for the party! Just wanted you to know! Hope to see you soon!
I'm trying to hang in there for the next week before Christmas break!
Love, Missy
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The tickets and a T-Shirt from the concert. It was the most fantastic concert I have ever been to. She was the TOTAL PACKAGE and then some!! That woman can sing. I think she is just as good live as she is on her CD's. She was beautiful in everything she wore. Andrew out did himself on this trip. This is the best surprise he has done for me yet!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Wright's Christmas party
Hello everyone. I hope everyone is doing better up there in Vincennes. I just wanted to check in and tell you what I plan on bringing to the christmas party. I will bring the veggie soup if Aunt Dee would like to take a break. Mom will bring her chicken noodle, Shelby said she will bring a double of broc and cheese and she told me Stephanie will bring potato soup. So unless aunt dee wants to bring the veggie soup I'll bring it or will bring taco soup if she would like to bring the veggie soup. So Lindy please ask your mom and let us know on here. Fot those who do blog just let us know what you will be bringing. Are we doing the $10 gift for adults and bring a gift for our kids to open?
Love you all.
Love you all.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hi Family. I'm so excited to see you all Thursday. We just had a Pampered chef show for Emily and I just wanted to let you know I'll be bringing some books so you can see. This would be a great wedding gift for a couple we know....hint hint. I can even have the stuff sent to their house. Anyways....I love you all and can't wait to see you. love you lots.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
What a Blast!
I just want to say what a blast that cuzz buzz wuzz. We missed all the cuzzes who were not there. You missed a special night that will go down as one of those precious memories to be cherished. You should really try to make the one in March! Something tells me Mel's will be a totally unique experience too. Totally cool.
Thanks, Sherrie, for having us. You and JD have a beautiful home. And thanks, Lisa & Sherrie, for all you put into that whole shindig. And lastly, thanks to all the awesome ladies who were there. You guys rock!!
I love you all very much.
Lindy :)
PS Emily, I hope your laugh muscles in the back of your head are recuperated.
Thanks, Sherrie, for having us. You and JD have a beautiful home. And thanks, Lisa & Sherrie, for all you put into that whole shindig. And lastly, thanks to all the awesome ladies who were there. You guys rock!!
I love you all very much.
Lindy :)
PS Emily, I hope your laugh muscles in the back of your head are recuperated.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cuzz Buzz
Well as you all know we hosted our second Cuzz Buzz this weekend. Wow what a night. We all enjoyed a night of laughter, relaxation and fun with the ones we love. What memories. I think it was just the medicine we all needed. As you know we were all asked to bring a bucket of craft supplies. To every ones surprised we had a night of all sitting around the kitchen table enjoying a night of crafts decorating our own hats. That's right a hat. What creations, what imaginations that took over (all but Lindy who insists that she is not crafty, lol). We think you did great Lindy. Wow what of ribbons and glitter, flowers and straws, wow are we good. After the creations we all voted for the most creative hat. Melanie was voted in as the first tri annual Brunnel award. This award comes with much honor and prestige. Melanie will be able to display this award in her home with pride until the next cuzz buzz when she will sadly have to put the trophy back up for grabs. So to all those who did not win don't give up hope there will be more opportunities for you at the next cuzz buzz in March. Also with the honor of winning came the honor of throwing the march cuzz buzz. Mel we all look forward to your hosting in March.
Melanie was not the only winner of the night. So many winners it was like attending the grammy's. Emily was the proud winner of the smoothest legs, Lindy was the unusual winner of the oddest thing in your purse (her bra), Alisa took home the award for the bushiest eye brows, and Shelly bless her heart was the proud winner of the ugliest toe nails. Wow what a packed night of blessings.
The night did not stop there. We all enjoyed some wonderful and historical Bobes Pizza. Except for the rotten onions. Hope no one got sick. Cu dos to Auburn for the most wonderful brownies ever. Glad you enjoyed the Mel and Lindy. lol. And delicious cheese cake. After all the crafting and eating we retired to the living room for hours of reminiscing. Oh the stories that were told. Catching up on every ones life's, poop stories (babies you know how it is), most embarrassing moments, Aunt Beulah and Aunt Dee stories, and all the memories of child hood. to those raising babies and those of us who now have grand baby stories. Not sure how we all got that old but so glad we are doing it together.
Thanks to all who made it last night, I was so happy to be able to open my home to you all and would do it again and again. Thanks to Jd for hiding in the bedroom and being our photographer. Thanks to Alisa for having a dream and making it happen. See some dreams really do come true. To all who could not make it we hope you will keep March in mind and help us keep this family of love and unity together. Love you all. See you Thanksgiving.
Melanie was not the only winner of the night. So many winners it was like attending the grammy's. Emily was the proud winner of the smoothest legs, Lindy was the unusual winner of the oddest thing in your purse (her bra), Alisa took home the award for the bushiest eye brows, and Shelly bless her heart was the proud winner of the ugliest toe nails. Wow what a packed night of blessings.
The night did not stop there. We all enjoyed some wonderful and historical Bobes Pizza. Except for the rotten onions. Hope no one got sick. Cu dos to Auburn for the most wonderful brownies ever. Glad you enjoyed the Mel and Lindy. lol. And delicious cheese cake. After all the crafting and eating we retired to the living room for hours of reminiscing. Oh the stories that were told. Catching up on every ones life's, poop stories (babies you know how it is), most embarrassing moments, Aunt Beulah and Aunt Dee stories, and all the memories of child hood. to those raising babies and those of us who now have grand baby stories. Not sure how we all got that old but so glad we are doing it together.
Thanks to all who made it last night, I was so happy to be able to open my home to you all and would do it again and again. Thanks to Jd for hiding in the bedroom and being our photographer. Thanks to Alisa for having a dream and making it happen. See some dreams really do come true. To all who could not make it we hope you will keep March in mind and help us keep this family of love and unity together. Love you all. See you Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Happy Day!
Wow. I sure do love my family, even though I'm not a republican fan. I love the fact that we live in a country where we have the freedom to exercise our rights and opinions. Even though they differ vastly.
For instance, I believe that Tuesday marked one of the happiest days I've had in eight years; while several members of my family are sure Armageddon is upon us. Let's not forget that we have republicans AND democrats amongst us in our family.
I believe there needs to be a third party. But for now I choose what I perceive to be the lesser of two evils. I am fully aware that many republicans view democrats as spawn from hell. Oy vey.
However, I am secure enough in myself and I try to be open-minded and nonjudgmental, so I choose to smile and take a deep breath and even find humor in what so many people insinuate about the other ones political party choices.
I agree on one huge thing with Mel's post. I've been praying for our leaders especially hard for the last eight years and will continue to do so now and in the future.
We've got quite a mess to clean up, and with prayer, a positive attitude, and more open-mindedness and less judgmental mentality, which is what I believe our first black president will go a long way towards promoting, we just might have a snowball's chance of changing the downward spiral of things in the good old US of A.
It's all going to be okay, people. I really do believe that. Especially now. :)
I love you all, no matter what your political or religious views may be. Diversity is what makes this planet so much fun and keeps things interesting.
Hugs and love to all!
For instance, I believe that Tuesday marked one of the happiest days I've had in eight years; while several members of my family are sure Armageddon is upon us. Let's not forget that we have republicans AND democrats amongst us in our family.
I believe there needs to be a third party. But for now I choose what I perceive to be the lesser of two evils. I am fully aware that many republicans view democrats as spawn from hell. Oy vey.
However, I am secure enough in myself and I try to be open-minded and nonjudgmental, so I choose to smile and take a deep breath and even find humor in what so many people insinuate about the other ones political party choices.
I agree on one huge thing with Mel's post. I've been praying for our leaders especially hard for the last eight years and will continue to do so now and in the future.
We've got quite a mess to clean up, and with prayer, a positive attitude, and more open-mindedness and less judgmental mentality, which is what I believe our first black president will go a long way towards promoting, we just might have a snowball's chance of changing the downward spiral of things in the good old US of A.
It's all going to be okay, people. I really do believe that. Especially now. :)
I love you all, no matter what your political or religious views may be. Diversity is what makes this planet so much fun and keeps things interesting.
Hugs and love to all!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Sad day
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J95rAr0gOFU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGGanAZ2IwM Watch these awesome videos. |
I didn't even watch 30min of the news at one time last night. As you can guess I'm not a Democratic fan. I know that even though I don't agree with Obama I now have to pray for him. I'm just reallllllly sad for unborn babies. That is my biggest issue with the democrats. I wanted to share with you all my devotion for yesterday.
Right choices may not have immediate benefits, but God will use them for our benefit.
Bible reading for the day.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28
Ending in prayer
Heavenly Father, your word tells us that you cause everything to work together for the good of those who love you. Help us, Father, to believe that even when we feel afraid or sad.
I'm sticking to my theme, FROG, Fully Rely On God. I have to. That's the only way I know to be so that I can walk out my home today and feel as if the world isn't coming to an end.....and if it does..........Here I come Father!
I love you all!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
A new set of quints
The Lake home now has 8 rabbits, 3 goldfish and a set of twins. HELP! Just call me Grandma Wright.
We thought we had 3 boy rabbits - well, Thursday I came home at noon because Brady was not feeling well. I told him to go check on the rabbits and he came and informed me that we had babies. I thought he was trying to trick me but he wasn't. We had 8 babies. You can imagine my shock. I had to put cages together quickly to remove the other two adult rabbits and make a nest for the babies.
Lindy, you will not want to read the rest - Aunt Dee said it would upset you. The mother rabbit is not being very nice and has killed three and injured two more so we have removed them from her and I am feeding them myself. They are doing better since I have been attending them. I have been taking care of them for 12 hours.
I think we are going to name them , Ethan, Sydney, Jenna, Landon and Payton. Just Kidding!!!
With some advice from Aunt Dee and the vet and my dad we are nursing them ourselves. They are under lamps and eating from a syringe. I am feeding them puppy formula.
Life is never dull around the Lake House.
I am going to do my very best to be at Cuz Night!
Oh, Way to go Noah!
Love, Missy
Last football game
Can u feel the love! Here is Noah's support team for the championship football game. Noah's team lost by 2. It was a pull your hair out kind of game. Thankfully Uncle Jim, Aunt Dee, and Tony were able to come to Noah's game after being told about it just this morning. I'm so bad about informing everyone of what's going on in our crazy life. Noah is a kid of few words but believe me when I say his heart was smiling so BIG today when he realized who was there watching him play. The after game picture op was priceless also. Noah is such a good kid. Some of the kids were crying about losing but he was so "no big deal". I'm just very thankful for how my kids are loved. Grandparents are priceless! love you all.
P.S. I'm so excited about the cuzz get together. Would you mind if Robyn Folsom came along. She grew up with Lindy and Cathy and is a member of our church. I was talking about us getting together and I just thought it would be fun if she came too.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Ladies of the Wright Stuff.
Sherri and I have been trying to celebrate the birthday of Linda Patricia Burke. We all know her as Lindy. Well we are gonna kill two birds with one stone on this one. We are also very very very overdue for a CUZZ BUZZ so we are going to put the two together. If some of you are not familiar with the first. A bunch of us got together and got a tattoo. I believe, help me with my memory, it was before The Shelb got married. Anyhoo...no we are not going to get another tattoo!!! But we are going to get together. I will be contacting each one that is within a 4 hour road trip (hint hint Cathy, Cheryl, and Missy) to please please attend. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Stacy, Kelly, and Sandy, I am truly sorry you are so far away. I wish I could tell you all about it, but that would ruin the surprise. Well it is no surprise we are getting together, but what is going to happen is just going to be fantastic. Sherri and I have really put some thought into this and we would like for every GIRL cousin to be able to attend. I am planning on this to happen on November 8th. I know Stephanie I said the 1st, but this will give all of us the opportunity to participate in the Second Cuzz Buzz. Here is the one and only catch to the whole thing. This will take some major thought. Each one who comes to the Buzz must bring with them materials to do a decoration. Now this decoration can be a theme decoration, junk from the trunk, craft crap, or whatever you would like to decorate or project with. Please bring enough to make your project complete. This is the esential part of the plan. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! It is very simple as mom says it. Just fill an icecream bucket with the stuff you want to decorate with. Don't go overboard and don't slide on this. I promise you will not want to miss this event. So all of you far and wide. Well not so much the wide part, please say you will come. Yes I am going to contact each of you...
Love to all!!!
Sherri and I have been trying to celebrate the birthday of Linda Patricia Burke. We all know her as Lindy. Well we are gonna kill two birds with one stone on this one. We are also very very very overdue for a CUZZ BUZZ so we are going to put the two together. If some of you are not familiar with the first. A bunch of us got together and got a tattoo. I believe, help me with my memory, it was before The Shelb got married. Anyhoo...no we are not going to get another tattoo!!! But we are going to get together. I will be contacting each one that is within a 4 hour road trip (hint hint Cathy, Cheryl, and Missy) to please please attend. I promise you, YOU WILL NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Stacy, Kelly, and Sandy, I am truly sorry you are so far away. I wish I could tell you all about it, but that would ruin the surprise. Well it is no surprise we are getting together, but what is going to happen is just going to be fantastic. Sherri and I have really put some thought into this and we would like for every GIRL cousin to be able to attend. I am planning on this to happen on November 8th. I know Stephanie I said the 1st, but this will give all of us the opportunity to participate in the Second Cuzz Buzz. Here is the one and only catch to the whole thing. This will take some major thought. Each one who comes to the Buzz must bring with them materials to do a decoration. Now this decoration can be a theme decoration, junk from the trunk, craft crap, or whatever you would like to decorate or project with. Please bring enough to make your project complete. This is the esential part of the plan. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!! It is very simple as mom says it. Just fill an icecream bucket with the stuff you want to decorate with. Don't go overboard and don't slide on this. I promise you will not want to miss this event. So all of you far and wide. Well not so much the wide part, please say you will come. Yes I am going to contact each of you...
Love to all!!!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Ocotber 18, was Eli's 1st trip to Animal Kingdom.
He absolutely loved the safari ride.
Caleb's B-day party was on October 19.
It was at a place called Birthday World.
It's kind of like Chucky Cheese, but with rides.
Caleb had a blast!!!
Caleb did pretty good on the gifts!!
This isn't including the presents from Sam
and I and there is still some coming in the mail.
What a lucky boy!!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A lil time at Uncle Shawns and Aunt Mels
Noah's teams in finals
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
We are all in this together!
Hey, family, go out and read Emily's blog for today. After you read it you will understand my blog.
I only have twins and my house is a disaster, I have about 7-8 loads of laundry that I need to do and I look horrible to boot.
Girl, do not ever feel like you are alone. I have been down on myself about my house and laundry for the last couple of weeks.
We need to remember that our kids are going to remember the time we spend with them and not that the floor was swept and all their clothes were nice and neat in their closets.
You are doing a great job and enjoy your kids while they still want to be with you. Remember they are going to be teenagers. I remind myself of that all the time.
Love, Missy
I only have twins and my house is a disaster, I have about 7-8 loads of laundry that I need to do and I look horrible to boot.
Girl, do not ever feel like you are alone. I have been down on myself about my house and laundry for the last couple of weeks.
We need to remember that our kids are going to remember the time we spend with them and not that the floor was swept and all their clothes were nice and neat in their closets.
You are doing a great job and enjoy your kids while they still want to be with you. Remember they are going to be teenagers. I remind myself of that all the time.
Love, Missy
Caleb turned 4 on October 5. The semi "Mack"
is from the movie "Cars" and is his favorite
On October 7, we took the boys to Disney for
Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. It
was alot of fun!! Caleb loved wearing his Peter
Pan costume. Caleb got his picture taken with
alot of different characters and also got his face
painted later in the evening. Of course, we got
alot of candy too!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
September 25, we went to Epcot for the food and wine
festival. We had alot of fun!!! Mom, Dad, Scott, Stacy,
festival. We had alot of fun!!! Mom, Dad, Scott, Stacy,
and Aubrie were there too!!! This was Elijah's first trip
to Epcot, his second trip to Disney. He seemed to really
enjoy it. Caleb had fun too!!! He is now tall enough to go
on some of the bigger rides, like soarin and test track!!!
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