Here we go! You knew we had one foster child right? Well Sunday cps called and said they had a 5yr old boy they needed to place. Well that made Noah's day because he said we always get girls and it isn't fair. I did my usual, I asked everyone who lives in our home what they thought and they all said yes. I did my usual of praying for this little boy and asked God for us to be a blessing for him and to help him feel safe and loved while he was with us. God has blessed us so much with all the kids we have kept. Well an hour later they call and tell us he has two older siblings that need placement also ( he was found walking down the road from his trailer park by himself with bruises all.......I mean all over his body). Well once we accepted to take him he's already a part of our family, even before we see him. We couldn't say yes to him and not to the other two it just didn't feel right. His name is Nathan and he is 5, then there is Hailey and she is 6, last but not least is their step sister Destiney and she is 10. So we have pre-school, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, 7th, and freshman covered in Gibson county. Or........ 5,6,7,8,9,9,10,13, and 15yr olds. I know that seems insane but you can't even begin to know how sweet these kids are. I hope you get to meet them sometime. Everybody pray for us but most of all for these precious kids who have to go through hell in order to be placed with us.
I know Grandma and pa Wright are in heaven saying............"no problem.........peace of cake." Ha,Ha. We are blessed with our parents and siblings that welcome in all the kids we keep. I know we couldn't do this without the support of our family. It would be impossible.
I'm going to go, I love you all!