Hello family!! I have had one of the worst brain farts I have ever had with this web sight. I have not been able to blog here since April. I could not get on the sight when I signed in. I thought I knew my password and talked as polite as I could to the computer screen to please let me in. I tried every password I have ever had and I still couldn't get on. I had talked to Missy the last time she was home, talked to Lindy at Uncle Steve's, and to Sherri on Labor Day. I had planned to get on the computer at Sherri's on Labor Day to show her what was happening but with all the fun we had, I forgot. SOOOOOO....that evening when Andrew and I got home from Sherri and JD's house, I was looking at the sight and wishing I could let you all know what has been going on with my little family. Andrew asked me why I didn't blog anymore. WELL...I let him have it out of both barrels about how I must have the wrong password and blah blah blah. He asked me very politely to show him how I signed on. His very words and I quote,"Sweetie, why are you using that email account? Don't you sign in on your Yahoo account?" I stared at him with the look of seven devils and said, "What?!!! It is asking for my Google account (which I have for Stephen)! Why would I use my Yahoo account????" I huffed at him and entered my Yahoo account email and password. I said with authority "This is not going to work. It has to be a Google account" as I hit the button to enter. POOF! I was on. He walked away without saying a word. I stared at the screen in total disbelief. I was on. WHAT?! HOW?! All summer I have set at my computer waiting for that magical moment when Blogger would feel sorry for me and let me on. The wait was over. I sat there for a moment and shut the site off. I was so mad at myself for being such an idiot that I didn't blog. So here I am now. Stephen graduated from college in June with a double bachelors degree. He finally graduated after nine years!!! He has a degree in Fine Art and Communication. He is currently working with David Lynch (LA director) on a TV program for the college. After that I don't know what he is doing. Carrie, Ross, Thomas, Mike, Andrew, and I traveled to Iowa to see this grand event. I must say I am a very proud mom to have a college graduate. Stephen received two awards during the senoir awards ceremony. He received a $250 cash award for a video he produced and the Community Service Award. The latter award is basically the outstanding student award. He co-earned this award. Every person we were introduced to or spoke with talk very highly of Stephen. They all thanked me for letting him come to their school to add his creativity and special spirit to the campus. Stephen has really worked hard at Maharishi University. I was worried that he would go to the school and be involved in a cult and never be the same. How untrue those thoughts have been. The school has opened his creativity levels and spiritual levels beyond words. He is open-minded and absolutely one of the most pure souls I have ever met. I don't know where he will go or what his future holds, but I know that he will suceed in all that he does.
Love to all!
PS. Thomas started playing soccer. First game was today. Robert is crawling and pulling up to things at 6 months. Carrie and Ross are house hunting. Ross got a job at the coal mines which will give his family insurance and more stability. I am so proud of him. Matt is working all the time turning his life back around on track. Mom, JD and me (as much as I could) got the siding done on the end of her house. I am getting over Mono and just recently a bout with a real bad cold and bronchitis. I will post pictures of the grandbabies after Thomas' game next week. I didn't get to go today because I just got back in town from a small camping trip.
Again, love to all!!