Friday, June 8, 2007

My thanks to Aunt Linda for this beautiful Ruby plant. I feel your pain Missy. I usually buy flowers to put around the house and this year couldn't. We are going on vacation and we just didn't do it save,save,save. I did go to Rob and Emily's house and take a lot of starts before they gave up the keys in the sale. I told Rob to tell the new owner if he didn't want something and wanted to get rid of it to call and I would do it for him. We just had a storm blow through, I think I slept through most of it because I had night shift at Rob and Em's. I got home at 8 and went to sleep on the couch. I'm not sure how to change my time stamp it has been hours off and I went in and changed the settings and it didn't work. It's 10:18am right now. Base ball news. Noah had a game Wednesday night and played great. He hit the ball to the fence all but once. In the last inning he played first base and he got all three outs. The last out he had to jump high to catch the ball and came down with his mouth hitting the kids batting helmet and he busted his lip. So he had a fat lip Thursday and he didn't like it at all. He wanted me to take him to the Dr. I'm sure you heard that Jenna and Landon are in the hospital. They weren't eating so the Dr. put them back in to get them back on track eating with a new "gentle ease" formula so hopefully they won't be in long. Pray for Emily, it was really hard for her to leave them there. I'm gonna go. Love to all.


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